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0004 - Proof of Item Listing Match



Once GNAWEX finds one or more listings to match with the listing just created, it has to generate one or more proofs that the listings were indeed matched. This is the job for the Item Listing Transaction. The listing transaction(s) must start off as PENDING for the parties involved to execute the exchange in MouseHunt.

If the completed transactions add up to any of the involved listings' quantity, then only the affected listings must be automatically delisted as it has nothing else to exchange.

In the following diagram, we'll assume that all listings:

  • are of item CRM; and
  • cost the same SB
graph LR
  LIST_ONE[/User: Larry<br/>Quantity: 25<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Sell/] --> TXN_ONE[Transact#1<br/><br/>Quantity: 2];
  LIST_TWO[/User: Bob<br/>Quantity: 2<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Buy/] --> TXN_ONE;
  TXN_ONE --> LIST_ONE_A[/User: Larry<br/>Quantity: 23<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Sell/]
  TXN_ONE --> LIST_TWO_A[/User: Bob<br/>Quantity: 0<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Buy/]

  LIST_ONE_A --> TXN_TWO[Transact#2<br/><br/>Quantity: 22]
  LIST_THREE[/User: Steve<br/>Quantity: 22<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Buy/] --> TXN_TWO
  TXN_TWO --> LIST_ONE_B[/User: Larry<br/>Quantity: 1<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Sell/]
  TXN_TWO --> LIST_THREE_B[/User: Steve<br/>Quantity: 0<br/>Batch: 4<br/>Type: Buy/]

New listings must not be created as a result of the transaction output. Rather, this is just to show that provided with the transactions, we're able to determine what the final quantity is for the item listing. A copy of the quantity column will be created initally, and will be updated as transactions happen.


  • Create pending: all transactions created must be PENDING first because GNAWEX does not execute the actual exchange in MouseHunt
  • Cancel: if both parties mutually agree to terminate the exchange
  • Complete: if both parties have performed the exchange in MouseHunt


Role Create pending TXN Cancel TXN Complete TXN
System ✅ ❌ ❌
Admin ❌ ✅ ✅
Moderator ❌ ✅ ✅
User ❌ ✅ 1 ✅ 1
Guest (non-logged in user) ❌ ❌ ❌




Column name Description Type Required Nullable Default
id To uniquely identify an item transaction BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY true false Supplied by Postgres
buy_item_listing_id To associate a transaction to a buy listing BIGINT true false -
sell_item_listing_id To associate a transaction to a sell listing BIGINT true false -
status What the status is of the transaction app.TRANSACTION_STATUS AS ENUM ('PENDING', 'COMPLETED', 'CANCELLED') true false PENDING
buyer_agreed If the buyer agreed to the new status BOOLEAN true false false
seller_agreed If the seller agreed to the new status BOOLEAN true false false
created_at To record when this was created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE true false now()
updated_at To record when this was updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE false true now() (if updated, otherwise null)
quantity Initial number of units that the user wants to sell/buy INT true false -
current_quantity Available number of units left INT true false quantity

  1. Only for transactions they're involved in as the seller/buyer