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0002 - Manage Tradable Item Listings



A user must create an item listing if they wish to sell/buy an item on GNAWEX. The amount that the user must input must be how many they have in their inventory, and not based on how many they may have in the future - no matter how certain.


  • View active listings
  • View inactive listings
  • Create
    • Users may create up to 10 tradable item listings
  • Reduce quantity
    • Users must only be allowed to update the unit quantity, and only in amounts that are not in any non-cancelled transaction. e.g If I make a sell listing with an item quantity of 10, and 6 of it is involved in completed/pending transactions, then I can only reduce the quantity to a maximum of 4.
    • Reducing the quantity to 0 will automatically delist
  • Relist: Puts the listing back on GNAWEX's active listings. Hence may be matched in the future. Can only relist if the item's available quantity is >0.
  • Delist: Removes the listing from GNAWEX's active listings. Hence must not be matched.


Role View active listings View inactive listings Reduce quantity Relist Delist
Admin ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Moderator ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
User ✅ ✅ 1 ✅ 1 ✅ 1 ✅ 1
Guest (non-logged in user) ✅ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌




Column name Description Type Required Nullable Default
id User ID BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY true false Supplied by Postgres
hunter_id The user's MouseHunt hunter ID BIGINT true false -
username Username used to log-in CITEXT (case insensitive text) true false -
password User's password TEXT (hashed) true false -
role User role app.USER_ROLE('verified_user', 'unverified_user', 'banned_user') true false unverified_user


Column name Description Type Required Nullable Default
id To uniquely identify an item listing BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY true false Supplied by Postgres
user__id To associate a listing to a user BIGINT true false -
tradable_item__id To associate listing to a tradable item BIGINT true false -
type What the user wants to do app.LISTING_TYPE AS ENUM ('buy', 'sell') true false -
batched_by Batches one or more of the same item to be sold as one unit for it to cost as a whole number SMALLINT true false 1
unit_quantity Amount of units to be exchanged INT true false -
current_unit_quantity Current available amount of units that can be exchanged. i.e Units not tied to transactions INT true false -
cost How much one unit is in SB INT true false -
active Determines if an item is delisted or not BOOLEAN true false true
created_at To record when this was created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE true false now()
updated_at To record when this was updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE false true now() (if updated, otherwise null)



Normalizes a listing's batched_by, cost, and quantity based on their GCD.


Overrides the user__id field of a listing to whoever is authenticated via PG's settings.



Before insert, batched_by, cost, and quantity must be normalized based on their GCD for GNAWEX to match item listings better. Also sets the current_unit_quantity.


Before insert, it triggers app.set_listing_user_id() which sets the user ID (owner) of the listing. The user ID is fetched from via current_setting('auth.user_id', TRUE). Hence, has to be set via set_config('auth.user_id', <ID_#_AS_STRING>, TRUE). It doesn't matter if the user ID isn't provided in the insert query itself, or if it even is because the above function will override it.

  1. Only for their own listings